Workplaces That Thrive Trainings

Below are a few examples of the workshops Dr. Buchanan can develop and personalize for your unique organizational needs.

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Implicit Bias and Microaggressions

Duration: 1-3 hours

These interactive workshops introduce key concepts related to implicit bias and microaggressions, including what they are, why it happens, and how it affects our interactions with others. We examine how they impact client/customer/patient care and business success. Attendees learn ways to identify bias and reduce their impact as an individual, workgroup, and an organization. These trainings have been tailored for medical, therapy, academic, law enforcement, and business industries to meet their unique needs.


Sexual Harassment

Duration: 1-2 hours

Whether your organization is trying to repair a rupture caused by sexual harassment or wants to avoid it happening in the first place, these trainings can ensure that everyone in the organization knows what harassment is, what to do about it and how to avoid it. Contact me to discuss tailoring a sexual harassment training or workshop specific to your organization’s needs.


Assertiveness and Boundary-Setting for Leadership

Duration: 1-2 hours

Assertiveness trainings designed for individuals or workgroups. I include skill-building and real life examples that make the strategies easy to learn and implement for better communication, delegation and collaboration within teams. 


Don’t see the perfect training for your unique workplace? Contact me for a customized experience.

What People Are Saying


“Very informative and different from my initial thought about what a bias workshop would be like. I wish all programs included this workshop.”

— Bias Workshop participant (Business)

“This workshop was amazing”

“Dr. Buchanan was a great presenter.”

“Very good speaker, kept us engaged and made us aware”

— Training participants

“This needs to be a series of trainings over time that the entire force and personnel takes.”

— Bias and Microaggressions Workshop Participant (Law Enforcement)


Past Trainings


Seeing the Unseen:

The importance of recognizing implicit bias and its impact


Organizational strategies for reducing sexual harassment


I didn’t know what to say or do…

Responding to Microaggressions as Targets, Bystanders and Perpetrators


Centering Survivors

Creating communities that understand and are responsive to their needs


Understanding Implicit Bias and Microaggressions


Cultural Considerations in Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment